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Where do you want to start?
The Many Descriptions of your Book
I've written up a short list of book summary types to help you meet industry expectations and get your plot across.
Writing a Blurb That Readers will Buy
A blurb is a plot summary aimed at readers. It is used on online book pages or on the back of your physical books.
Editing a Plot Summary for Concision
One of the keys to a good summary is making it short without making it vague.
Summarizing Stories in New Worlds
Made-up words are great woldbuilding inside your book, but they can really complicate a plot summary.
Writing a Plot Summary for a Query Letter
In today's querying atmosphere, a good book summary is essential to catching an agent or editor's interest.
Handling Character Names in Plot Summaries
Character names can be an easy place for readers to get lost during a plot summary.
Show, Don't Tell
Every writer has heard this advice: Show, don't tell. It's all over the online writing communities. But the advice is a flawed rule
What Age are you Writing For?
When pitching or marketing a novel, it’s important to know what audience your manuscript is suited for.
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