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Where do you want to start?
Can Freelance Editors be Right for Authors with Traditional Publishing Goals?
Your planned publishing path is very important to the decisions about what kind of editing to get and how much to pay for them.
The Many Descriptions of your Book
I've written up a short list of book summary types to help you meet industry expectations and get your plot across.
Selecting an Editor that's Right for You
Hopefully you've already read my posts about getting ready for an editor , budgeting , and choosing the type of editing you need, as...
Understanding Your Editing Goals
In order to hire an editor who will be worth your time and money, you need to figure out what you are hiring an editor to do. There are...
Budgeting for an Editor
When you are planning to hire an editor, knowing your budget is an important step to make sure you release a finished book.
Are you Ready for an Editor?
Are you ready for an editor?
The Basic Types of Editing
This post covers some basic definitions of the typical types/stages of editing.
Defining Your Genre
To determine your genre, you have to consider the heart of your story.
Getting Familiar with your Genre
There is a lot you can learn from reading a lot of books, including the patterns of your genre.
Why Genre Matters
Some writers think that genre is something marketing slaps onto a finished book in order to make it sell. But that is not how it works.
Why do Publishers have Word Count Requirements?
If you've found the perfect publisher, it can be hard to understand why they would reject your manuscript based solely on a word count.
What Age are you Writing For?
When pitching or marketing a novel, it’s important to know what audience your manuscript is suited for.
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